Keeping Up with Webflow: Updates and New Features

June 17, 2024
Abhay Rawat

Discover the latest updates and features of Webflow that will help you create amazing designs with ease. This blog post emphasizes the importance of staying informed about the ever-changing landscape of web design.


Webflow is a leading web design platform that is constantly evolving and introducing new features to empower designers and developers to create amazing websites. The platform is constantly innovating, with upcoming features and improvements in development. As a user, you should stay updated to harness the full potential of Webflow and ensure your web design skills remain relevant and innovative.

In this blog, we will explore the best ways and practices to keep up with Webflow's updates and new features, enabling you to stay at the forefront of web design excellence. We will briefly look at the following;

  • New Features in Webflow
  • Benefits of Staying Updated
  • How to Stay Informed About Webflow Updates

But first, let's start with the latest features available in Webflow.

New Features in Webflow

There are many benefits to staying up to-date as a Webflow user, but one that stands out is that you can leverage the platform's full potential and boost your productivity. You should do better by investing more time in learning the latest features of Webflow. Here are the top 7 Webflow feature releases, product improvements, and bug fixes.

New Style Panel Layout Section and Controls

Feature: This update introduces an upgraded Style Panel with enhanced layout controls in Webflow's Designer. Launched on March 4, 2024, this enhancement offers designers more intuitive and powerful tools for creating web layouts.

The new layout controls in the Style Panel provide greater design flexibility, enabling users to craft complex web layouts more efficiently. The improved interface simplifies adjusting margins, padding, positioning, and other layout properties, making it easier to achieve precise design outcomes. This enhancement helps designers streamline their workflow, saving time and reducing the complexity of layout adjustments.

Figma to Webflow App

Feature: Webflow has introduced a new integration with Figma, allowing for seamless transitions of designs from Figma to Webflow.

This integration enables designers to directly import their Figma designs into Webflow, preserving the design integrity and reducing the need for manual recreation. It enhances collaboration between design and development teams by providing a smooth workflow from design to implementation. This feature helps speed up the design-to-development process and ensures that design details are accurately transferred.

Custom CSS Properties and Values

Feature: Webflow now supports custom CSS properties and values within its Designer tool.

This feature allows designers to define and apply custom CSS variables, providing more control over their styles, enabling dynamic theming, and making maintenance easier. By using custom properties, designers can create more consistent and scalable styles, making implementing global changes easier and maintaining a cohesive design system across the site.

Localization Available Now for All Customers

Feature: Localization features have been rolled out to all Webflow customers.

Explanation: This update allows all Webflow users to create multilingual websites, enhancing their global reach. Localization features include support for multiple languages, translation management, and SEO optimization for different locales. This helps businesses and individuals cater to a broader audience by providing content in various languages, improving user experience and engagement across different regions.

HTML Code Embeds Now Supported in CMS CSV Import/Export

Feature: Webflow CMS supports HTML code embeds within CSV import/export processes.

This enhancement allows users to include HTML code in their CMS items when importing or exporting data via CSV files. It streamlines the process of managing content that includes custom HTML, such as embedded videos, iframes, or custom code snippets. This makes it easier to maintain complex content structures and ensures that these elements are accurately transferred during data migrations.

Secondary Email for Account Recovery

Feature: Webflow now allows users to add a secondary email address for account recovery, implemented on June 12, 2024.

This feature provides an additional layer of security for user accounts. By allowing a secondary email address, Webflow ensures that users have a backup option for account recovery in case they lose access to their primary email. This enhancement improves account security and helps prevent potential lockouts, making it easier for users to regain access to their accounts if needed.

Expanded CMS API Capabilities for Developers

Feature: Webflow has expanded its CMS API capabilities, offering more features and flexibility for developers.

The expanded API capabilities provide developers with more tools to interact with Webflow's CMS programmatically. This includes new endpoints and enhanced functionality for creating, updating, and managing CMS items. These improvements enable developers to build more complex and customized integrations, automate workflows, and make more prosperous, more dynamic web experiences using Webflow's CMS.

Benefits of Staying Updated

I mentioned earlier that one of the benefits of staying updated is that you get to leverage the platform's full potential; here are 3 key benefits of staying up-to-date on the latest Webflow updates:

Access to New Features and Capabilities

New features and design tools provide more creative options and allow you to implement innovative solutions in your projects. This can lead to more visually appealing and functional websites. From new design tools and integrations to performance optimizations and backend improvements, each update brings something valuable to help you create better, more feature-rich websites and applications.

Improved Productivity and Efficiency

Updates often include performance enhancements and bug fixes that can make the platform run smoother and faster, allowing you to work more efficiently. As Webflow continues to evolve, the platform aims to streamline your processes and make you more efficient.

Each update often includes time-saving features, workflow improvements, and quality-of-life enhancements that can help you get more done in less time. Staying on top of these updates ensures you're always working with the most productive version of Webflow.

Bug Fixes and Security Improvements:

Keeping up with updates ensures you know and can implement the latest design trends and best practices, helping your projects stay modern and relevant. Webflow's regular updates often include important bug fixes and security patches that address known issues and vulnerabilities.

Staying updated ensures you benefit from the latest security patches and improvements, protecting your websites from vulnerabilities and potential threats. New features often include tools to help you comply with the latest web standards and regulations, such as GDPR compliance tools.

How to Stay Informed About Webflow Updates

With Webflow's latest updates and features, you can enhance your productivity, creativity, SEO, security, and overall competitive edge, ensuring your web projects are of the highest quality and performance.

Staying informed about Webflow updates is crucial for maximizing the platform's capabilities and aligning your projects with the latest features and improvements. Here are several effective ways to stay updated:

Webflow Blog

Webflow's official blog is a primary source of information about new features, enhancements, tutorials, and design insights. They regularly share valuable insights, tutorials, and announcements about new features and updates through these channels. Subscribing ensures you never miss important news that could significantly enhance your web design workflow.

Webflow University

Webflow University offers educational content, including tutorials, courses, and webinars. It frequently updates its material to reflect the latest platform changes, ensuring that you have access to the most current information. Check for new content regularly and explore advanced topics to deepen your understanding of Webflow and discover novel ways to leverage its capabilities.

Webflow Updates Page

The Webflow updates page provides a chronological list of all recent updates, enhancements, and new features. This page is a quick way to see what's new and how it might impact your work.

Webflow Community Forum

The Webflow Community Forum is a knowledge hub where designers and developers exchange ideas, troubleshoot issues, and share best practices. Engaging with the community can provide insights into how others utilize new features and any potential problems they encounter.

Social Media

Following Webflow on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn can inform you about updates, webinars, and events. Webflow frequently posts updates and essential announcements on these platforms. Following these channels keeps you informed about the latest developments, upcoming webinars, and real-world design examples that can inspire and educate you on Webflow's full potential.

Email Newsletters

Subscribing to Webflow's email newsletters ensures you receive the latest updates, feature announcements, and tips directly in your inbox. This is a convenient way to stay informed without actively seeking out information.

  • Subscribe: You can usually subscribe to newsletters directly from the Webflow website or your account settings.

Webflow Meetups and Events

Webflow enthusiasts often organize local meetups and virtual conferences to discuss best practices, share insights, and showcase innovative projects. Participating in these events offers opportunities for networking, learning, and gaining inspiration from fellow Webflow enthusiasts.

Participating in Webflow meetups, webinars, and other events can provide firsthand information about upcoming features and updates. These events often feature presentations and Q&A sessions with Webflow staff.

Attend Webflow Workshop and Webinars

Webflow regularly hosts workshops and webinars where experts share tips, insights, and updates about the platform. Attending these live sessions provides a firsthand learning experience and allows you to interact with the Webflow team and fellow designers, expanding your network and expertise.

Test New Feature in Beta

Webflow often releases new features in beta before they are fully launched. Consider joining beta programs to test upcoming features and provide feedback. This hands-on experience allows you to familiarize yourself with new tools early on and contribute to shaping their development.

Engage With Webflow Support

Finally, if you encounter any issues or have questions about Webflow, don't hesitate to contact customer support. Their responsive and knowledgeable support team can guide you through updates and help you make the most of the platform's latest features.


In conclusion, as Webflow continues to evolve and expand its capabilities, the importance of staying updated also grows. The web design and development space is also constantly changing, and Webflow's regular updates ensure that the platform remains at the forefront of industry trends and best practices.

Connect with the community, ask questions, learn something, and help each other. Find general information about Webflow, share your work, and contact the Webflow team if you're having any trouble. Webflow is always there to help!

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✓ Kick-Off Checklist

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